Irish Soil Experts
Our Approach
The significance of soil analysis for Irish farmers has reached unprecedented levels. Our soil sampling and analysis service is tailored to fulfil the needs of farmers engaged in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) Soil Sampling and Analysis Programme. Utilising the expertise of trained local professionals and advanced laboratories, we collect and test soil samples for each farmer. This meticulous approach ensures that accurate and reliable soil results are provided to farmers, aiding them in nutrient management planning and informed decision-making.
Who we are
ISEC brings together the experience of five established organisations committed to working together to provide a high quality soil sampling and soil analysis service to Irish farmers. ISEC combines the contract management and soil sampling capacity of National Co-op Farm Relief Services (NCFRS) with the soil testing expertise of three accredited Irish laboratories, Southern Scientific Services Limited (SSSL), FBA Laboratories (FBA) and Dairygold Analytical Services Laboratory (ASL) with independent quality assurance of both soil sampling and soil analysis being provided by Teagasc, the Agriculture and Food Development Authority.
How it works
Under the terms and conditions of the scheme farmers can avail of a soil sample for every 4ha on their farm up to a maximum of 16 soil samples/farm. Each soil sample taken will be analysed and you will be provided with results for pH, Phosphorus, Potassium, Magnesium, 9 trace elements, organic carbon and E.coli Detection/Confirmation. This will give you a very comprehensive set of readings for your farm